Breaking the Gridlock: Reimagining Cooperation in a Polarized World. Presentation of the 2023/24 Human Development Report
Università Bocconi
 - Lombardia
SDA Bocconi School of Management, Via Sarfatti 10
Auditorium Grande

In an increasingly fragmented and complex world to navigate, ensuring the provision of public goods and services is critical to addressing growing inequalities. 
UNDP’s Human Development Report 2023/2024 highlights the need for creating stronger institutions to enhance the delivery of global public goods, positioning this as a key priority for the future. However, this task is particularly challenging as the world faces deep changes posed by contemporary global issues. For example, how can institutions effectively deliver public services in the context of climate change? Norms, preferences, and cultures can hinder human agency, undermining access to public services and hindering collective efforts toward a more sustainable future: how can institutions integrate cultural and societal beliefs into better policies that expand agency and enhance collective action? Another pressing issue is posed by rising inequalities and isolation of the most in need, that prevent international aid and the delivery of public goods challenging if not impossible. How can marginalized populations can access to basic services such as education, healthcare, and social welfare? What role can the adoption of digital tools play to facilitate the delivery of critical services to remote and underserved communities?



Andrea Sironi President of Bocconi University and Chairman of Assicurazioni Generali  

Presentation of the 2023/24 Human Development Report

Pedro Conceição Director of the Human Development Report Office

How to Deliver Public Goods and Services in a Fragmented World?


Erika Deserranno Assistant Professor of Economics at Bocconi University and LEAP Affiliate


Lucia Corno Associate Professor of Economics at Cattolica University and LEAP Executive Director
Andrea Guariso Senior Assistant Professor of Economics at University of Milan-Bicocca  and LEAP Affiliate
Lucia Silva Group Chief Sustainability Officer at Assicurazioni Generali 

Speech & Closing Remarks

Francesco Billari Rector of Bocconi University

Organized by Università Bocconi - Generali - UNDP

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